We offer Children's Church during our morning worship for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade. The children are dismissed from the sanctuary before the sermon begins and are attended to by a loving, caring group of volunteers.
What is Children's Church?
Children's church is a special time for children to hear God's Word presented in a way they can understand.
Is there an age cut-off for Children's Church?
Yes, 5th grade
Older children, we feel, need to get comfortable participating in corporate worship alongside their parents.
What is the format on Sunday morning?
Children gather with their families in the main auditorium at 10:00 AM. After the offering the children are dismissed and led to a designated area where they participate in different activities that are specially designed to enable children to learn about God while having fun.
Am I permitted to go with my children to Children's Church?
Absolutely! Parents are always welcome to accompany their children to Children's Church. Of course, if you want to return to the auditorium, that's okay too. Some parents accompany their children in the beginning until their children are comfortable which, honestly, doesn't take very long most of the time.
Why don't you offer Children's Church on Communion Sundays?
We feel that the children need to see the church worship and observe the ordinances, including the Lord's Supper and baptism (we typically baptize new believers on Communion Sunday). Children often ask questions after witnessing these events that may, over time, open to door to present the gospel to them.