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How to post a prayer requests:
Step one:

Click on prayer request link located in the blue section under the word, "forum."
Click one of the large menu buttons labeled "New Topic."

Step two:
Put your name in the box labeled, "name." 
Put the name of the person you are requesting prayer for in the box labeled, "Topic Title."
Put the date in the box labeled, "Topic description."
Write your prayer request in the large box. 
Put the security code in the white box at the bottom of the screen and hit the button labeled, "Post Topic."

Instructions for updating a request:
Please update about the status of your request when possible by following these instructions:
Step one:

Click on prayer request link located in the blue section under the word, "Forum."
Click the link containing your name (located under the "Topic Title" heading)
Step two:

Click on the menu button labeled, "Post reply."   Put your name in the box labeled, "Name." Write your update in the box underneath
  Put the security code in the white box at the bottom of the screen and hit the button labeled, "Post Topic
Prayer requests : Prayer requests : Post topic
  Post a new topic in Prayer requests
Topic Settings
Name: *
Topic Title:*
Topic Description:*

    2510 N Highway 92,  Jefferson City, TN  PH: 865-475-9598

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